My view from inside the helicopter. You can see the quicksilver pontoon in the foreground. |
A view of Port Douglas from the helicopter. Apparently Bill Clinton has a house there. |
Cape tribulation from the air. |
A tree growing in the see, at cape tribulation. |
I visited Tjapukai aboriginal centre. They had an authentic aboriginal camp, and showed us how to light fire from friction, and build shelters.It was really nice to walk around, and we had buffet breakfast while we chatted to them (bushcraft is one of my hobbies, and I found the conversation fascinating). |
We visited the Wujai Wujai aboriginal village during our 4 wheel drive trip into the rainforest.I had imagined it to be quite traditional, but found it had modern houses and jeeps.It did have a large fire area though, and they spend most evenings outdoors sat around the fire. |
We took a walk up through the village, and stopped at a waterfall for a picnic. |
I had never tried ballooning so just had to have a go.We had to get up at 4:30 in the morning. The balloon we flew in, was one off the largest commercially available. |
We went up to a height of 1000 feet (I was able to check on my Suunto watch). The thing I noticed was the silence. It was amazing to be travelling hi above the ground and not hear a sound.Our guide cracked a joke and asked if everyone know how he steered the balloon.
He then said we don’t, it goes where the wind takes it. |