Return to Greenfield.

Trail magazine article

New Year 2012.

Were in Patterdale and among the many things that happened, they had loads of old copies of Trail magazine, which I was able to read.

In one article, it mentioned Saddleworth, and a walk around Greenfields.

I instantly remembered the place from my childhood/adolescence. All magazines have to be returned, but lets just say that his one, was light by a page.

Old Manchester Bus

The article mentioned how in the old days, they got the bus from Manchester to Greenfield, which set off from Piccadilly Gardens.

I instantly new what they meant. It was the 180 bus, which travelled up through Newton Heath.

In those days, if you were an East Mancunian and wanted to visit “the countryside” you jumped on the  bus, and an hour later you were there.

I couldn’t find a photo of the actual 180. The bus above has a different number, but trust me, its exactly the same and almost in the same place.

Glenn and I in the new Tesco

I had a week in between leaving my old job and starting my new one. Whilst having dinner (curry obviously) with Glenn, we discussed my plans for the following day.

I was intending to get 2 trains, but Glenn was delivering furniture, was intrigued by the plan, so offered me a lift.

When we arrived, I was suprised to find loads of building work had taken place, and a brand new Tesco had been built, where I popped in, to buy a packed lunch and a drink for the days adventures.

Sadly, although trained to a high standard, photography remains outside the curriculum for Tesco staff, hence this appallingly bad photo they took of us.

Main road

My very first camping trip, I was 13 and it involved me leaving the soaking wet tent with Jon and Chris booth, and wandering back into town (I was picked up on the way by the police who believed I was a runaway, contacted my mother and put my on a bus back home).

On a later trip, I was out with my old mate Nick, a chap called Peter Barrand and another mate called Wayne.

Weather wasn’t good, and we had limited resources. We decided to light a fire, but with what.

Before the Lib Dems, there was a pact between the SDP and the Liberals. As I walked down the high street towards the lake, I passed the spot where Nick snook into someone garden and stole the Alliance sign, so we could use it as fuel.

In the end, it was so wet, we couldn’t do anything with it, and it went in the bin. Another of life’s experiences.


The road I normally took up to the reservoir was actually closed, which surprised me.

I took the path up through the Mill. Times have changed, and its an enterprise park, with web developers and all sorts of stuff going on.

In a local village like this, Football and Rugby are important matters and the  local football team take the security of their pitch seriously.

From looking at this sign, perhaps too seriously.

The Reservoir

After a long walk up the hill, I arrive at the main area, with the lake and mountains in the background.

My younger years come flooding back at this moment with 1000 memories (I remember standing on this very spot, asking a friend if I should ask a girl out (she’d later be my first girlfriend Mandy and we’d camp out here together).

The Hills and Indians head

Further along, the hills, and the famous Indians Head mountain (it was my friend Frank when I was 12 who explained that it looked like an Indian with his headdress, lying on his back).

I’ve climbed that hill more times than I’ve drunk pints in the Firkin.

Walk around the reservoir

There’s a relaxing circular walk around the reservoir. What a beautiful day.

All the more surprise, that instead of the usual boaters and yachters, the only people on the res were 2 windsurfers.

Reservoir tower I visited with my dad.

As I continue walking around, I remember this spot.

When I was 5, my dad took me out on the bus (he couldn’t drive) and we wandered around a reservoir to this point.

I was 30 when I drove up here to do a walk one time, and it came back to me. I didn’t know where it was at the time, but this is the spot, where I stood in the cold with my dad and had sausage rolls.

My beloved forest.

The final part of my circuit, and the most important.

I’ve built shelters in here with Caz, had crossbow practice with my brother and his school friends, constructed a tent shelter with Andy Mullen which we ended up abandoning, and constructed a log shelter with Darrlye here to name a small fraction of the adventures in this truly amazing forest.

It was lovely to see it in the sunshine, but trust me, I’ve been here in snow and driving rain, and its still amazing.


Something that made me really happy, was this spot.

Someone has set up a sensible fireplace and a sort of dual bench thing for people to sit around.

I’ve had camp-fires here in double digits. I cant help feeling that camp-fires (pardon the pun) are a pariah here in the UK.

But if your sensible, what’s the problem. There’s no more relaxing, engaging and team forming (hate the word team building) practice I can think off.

Frank & Na

Head back, and to complete the day, at the Clarence, is Frank and Na. Frank and I have been coming here for nearly 40 years, so since he was only in the UK for 3 weeks, it was all the more special to meet him here.

We moved on to a pub near the Canal that’s been built recently called the Kingfisher.

The path to Uppermill along the Canal

After a few drinks, we wander up to Uppermill. A few more pints in country pubs, and I’m in a fine mood.

Nothing lasts forever, so after a nostalgic and revelatory day, I head for home.

Greenfield railway station

To the train station, where the train is on time, and clean.

Why the hell did I get the bus so often ?.

No update – No free time.


Hi Everyone.

I just wanted to take a moment, and apologise for not updating the website recently.

I’m in the middle of the 5th week in my new job which is going really well.

In the last month, I’ve been away camping for a weekend in Snowdonia, 3 days in the Lake district and 5 days in Cornwall.

With everything that’s going on, I just haven’t had a moment, but I promise I’ll put up 3 new updates by Monday morning.

What’s the photo of the washing machine for I hear you asking ?. Well, its the real price of adventure.

Everyone envy’s you on Friday when you say your going away for the weekend, and they’re hanging around the house not doing much.

Jump to Sunday night, when you arrive home at 8:30pm, and you have about 2 hours to do everything you would have done between Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday.

Quote a challenge, but a price worth paying I think.

The search for adventure continues…

Week at home and sunshine.

Leaving Phonak for the last time pictured with Tracey

Friday the 18th of July, my final day at Phonak.

I was supposed to leave the following Wednesday, but they had very kindly agreed I could leave on Friday, which would allow me to have a week off before starting my new job on the 28th.

In the afternoon, we had some cakes and a bit of a celebration. I gave a short (very short for me) speech and shook everyone’s hand, kissed a few people (but nothing serious).

I got 5 cards, and some really nice presents, including a space pen with my name and “Coolest man in Phonak” engraved on it (from Louise and Lisa), and a really smart caricature picture which I’ve put up in my living room (from Jean and Tracey) and a cracking bottle of wine from my mate Nick.

An envelope was passed to me, which I thought mistakenly, was some sort of “keep your mouth shut money”. Leaping back to reality, I realised it was a collection.

I was shocked when I found out how much. It was far more money than I expected (and honestly more than I thought I was worth 🙂

Sad to leave, but lots of fun memories.

I used the money from the collection to buy some new Rohan trousers the following day.

Buying trousers in the Rohan shop

Back to Friday evening. I’d arranged to meet up with Dan Q, my old friend from Chester, who works on the business park.

Once I stop working in Warrington, I reasoned, we wouldn’t see much of each other and I wanted to say good bye.

I’d forgotten a key detail. Dan is an arse, supposedly turned up for 10 minutes, then went home to enjoy the nice weather.

So, to plan B. I’d promised to catch up with Tracey, a long-time friend and confident from work, who was meeting up with her son and some of the younger crew, from the lab.

I had a nice time with them all, but the lesson learned was don’t try and drink with the kids, as though your 20, when your clearly not.

I went home in a bit of a state, and missed attending the globetrotters talk on Easter Island (I’m going there next year) due to a hangover.

Speaking of work. if your connected to me in Linked In, and can’t find me, its because I’ve cancelled my account.

8 years membership hasn’t delivered anything I can think of. I only had an account on there because I felt like I should. I’ve realised I’m not a “feel like I should” kind of guy.

Fords of Winsford

On Sunday, Nikki had decided to replace her car and asked for my help (I know more about delivering baby’s than I do cars, but I wanted to get involved)

For 3 years, while working at Phonak, we used to listen to the radio when I sat with accounts.

An advert, which got as close to mind control as is scientifically possible, was for Fords of Winsford (I can hear the infuriating jingle in my head as I type this now).

I actually got to visit it while car shopping and it was pretty interesting (they had a nice canteen, and I had a pasty and some coffee).

I loved the Ford Focus power shift and the Vauxhall Astra GTC. They were really smart. Visited a few more dealerships (and sampled more coffee) then went home.

Its the DIY guy again, but this time he's sawing

Weather was fantastic, but that’s no reason to sit on my behind.

Loads to do in house, and I was delighted to chop through the list of 80 DIY things that needed doing.

I also had visits from a plumber and glazier, as I’d been advised to find out who upgrading the house would cost. Turned out, it was much less than I thought.

Dropped off some unneeded stuff at the charity shop.

* Once again, the guy in the picture above isn’t me, he’s some sort of model, but this time he’s sawing.


Tuesday, and more work to do in the house.

My spirits are picked up by this hilarious picture that Glenn sent me.

I’ve owned 400 plus self help books, and career wise, I’ve frequently read, “dress for the job you want”. When I saw this I collapsed laughing.

Once jobs were done, I caught up with a series called the 100, as recommended by Alan at Phonak Credit Control.

House MD

In the afternoon, I went to the local hospital to have my knee x-rayed.

I read a book some years ago, called the pocket life coach.

It mentioned each week, creating a “putting up with list”. The idea, is that real problems in your life get sorted out.

Annoying problems, on the fringes, like dripping taps don’t, but sap your energy and take days off your life.

My knee, aches and irritates me sometimes, yet I’ve put up with it, and walked 25 miles across rough terrain on it, without major problems.

Thinking of the putting up with list, I’ve decided to sort it out.

* to those that dont know, the picture above is Hugh Laurie, who played Greg House, a genius/eccentric Dr, with a limp.

 Glenn and I having Curry

In the evening, I have a couple of drinks with Glenn, then we go for a curry.

Pretty fun night (I didn’t take any pictures unfortunately, so this is an old photo, and I’ve lost a lot of weight since).

Over the conversation, Glenn offers to give me a lift to Greenfield the following morning, so I dont have to take the train.



On Wednesday I arrive in Greenfields, which I first visited aged 13 and haven’t been back to in at least 10 years (I’ll be putting up a whole page about it soon).

Drinks with Frank and Na at Greenfields

My oldest friend Frank Walmsley was always fond of Greenfield as well.

Since he was back from Thailand where he now lives and we only see each other about once every 3 years, it seemed an ideal place to meet up.

It was fab to see his lovely wife Na as well and hear about goings on back in Thailand where I’ve had so many good times.

Japanese Garden

Thursday, and more routine stuff.

Off to the tailors, to have my walking trousers repaired and stock up on supplies (including cans of lager).

After loads of work in the loft, I got cracking in the garden.

Its hard to imagine a tiny garden like this needing loads of work, but after months of neglect, the Japanese garden that Lisa & Glenn ridicule was back to full strength.

Setting up camp

Bit of a lazy day on Friday, organised my outdoor gear and watched Defiance.

In the afternoon, I met up with Nikki and we headed off to Betsy Coed camping

By “mistake” ended up in the wrong camp site, which turned out to be better than the one I’d originally planned to stay at.

Dinner and pints on Friday night in the town. Saturday walking didn’t go entirely to plan, but had great fun and fab weather with Dave E despite buses right out of Charley Chaplain.

Sat evening, a brill barbecue on the camp site cooked by Nikki’s sister Lyn.

Sunday and breakfast by the railway. Had a look in the shop there, as I’ve decided to build a train set “thing” with ticket offices and trees.

Back home on Sunday, pints in the Mill, bath and ready to start new job the following day.

Overall, a fantastic 9 days, to catch up with friends, get out walking, get things done and recharge my batteries.

The search for adventure continues…

Farewell to Phonak

Typical day at Phonak

Well, today is my last day at Phonak.

Although I’m optimistic for the future and looking forward to my new job, I’m a bit sad. I’ve had some fab times here and made some great friends.

Above is a picture of me and my previous assistant Dan when we upgraded more than 200 pc’s in just a few weeks.

My door entry badge

The story’s become a bit of a cliché now, but its deserving of a re-telling for those that haven’t heard.

After 10 months of unemployment, I was contacted by the Halifax Building Society.

They politely told me, that I had 2 months to start paying the mortgage or the legal department would begin proceedings to take my house.

In essence I had 1 month to find a job, so I could pay it a month later. I’d been looking desperately for work for nearly a year and nothing, so what was I going to do.

With 4 days to go, I was offered the job at Phonak. My luck changed, and its continued to do so for the past 4 years.

Steve and Lee cabling the warehouse

Initially, there were loads of technical challenges and I was ably assisted by Lee Capie (left) and Steve the excellent caretaker.

Although not technicaly within his remit, whenever we’ve had a project to work on Steve has been there to help.


I’ve worked closely with finance and Unitron, and on my first Christmas party (you take those things for granted until you’ve been unemployed) Glenn came along.

We play at a high level here at Sonova, so I’ve had joys and heartbreaks along the way. My “outside” friends like Glenn, Dan and later Nikki have always supported me.

On this occasion, the weather “went south” and myself and Glenn, who had a hotel room, catered for refugees who couldn’t get taxi’s home with blankets and hot chocolate.

Lisa in the middle and Tracey on the right. I’ve met more good people here than I can thank on this page, but just picking 2 examples.

Lisa and I famously debated whether a lion could kill an elephant in a fight. We later discussed who owned the better outdoor coat, as hers was north face and mine a Rohan waterproof (this would be settled for good later, when I purchased a mountain equipment down jacket).

Tracey. I once brought in a leather jacket I’d owned for ages. I was intending to wear it on a night out. Tracey honestly asked if I’d brought it in, so a friend could wear it to a fancy dress !. It went in the bin the next day.


You might notice that most of the photo’s here are of socialising and stuff like that.

Please dont be deceived, its not been all champagne and wine. We’ve worked on a lot of highly technical and stressful projects. Thing is, our competitors would love to know more about how we work, and even though I’m leaving, I’m not allowed to discuss it verbally or in media, and I definitely cant put pictures up.

One thing in the public domain, which I can talk about is that we installed 2 Riverbed Steelhead appliances for application compression.

What I found hilarious, was you get a “free” screwdriver (pictured above) for your £5000 investment !.


Having a bit of a celebration in our old building.

From l to r, Joe from Unitron marketing, Louise, who gave invaluable insight into Rebecca Brooks hair and helped me buy presents for Secret Santa.

The excellent Laura who I sat near for a while and shared lots of fun times.

My good friend Lyndsay, who was promoted to a job in our head office in Steafa, where we continue to stay in touch. At the back, the excellent Jean a mogul of customer service best practice.


It was always the plan to move everything into the new building once it was built, but for a number of years, we were working out of 3 buildings on a campus network.

Linking 2 of the buildings was a laser link. Balancing one is a very specialist job, and these 2 guys become well known when they turned up for 2 hours and charged us £400 !.


I sometimes I got to attend client events, to help out with local IT.

On this occasion, Unitron were doing a launch at Manchester Airport and we got to have dinner in a hanger underneath Concord.

Later I’d achieve a lifelong ambition by actually sitting in the cockpit. In front of me is the famous (mithering) Gareth and at the front Kate, who travels around like a sort of marketing Timelord.


One other benefit of working for a hearing aid company, is you get hearing aids (if you need them) as part of the deal.

Above are my Ambra Nano’s. Made specifically for my ears, they’re 2 years  old now, but are quite simply the best hearing aids in the world

They fit completely inside my ear canal and you can’t see when I’m wearing them. I put them next to a 5p to show how small they are.


Sonova are the main holding company. They own Phonak and Unitron, 2 companies that make hearing aids.

They also own Advanced Bionics, who make cochlear implants. CI’s are like the stuff in the bible. They allow people completely deaf from birth, to hear, like the lame walk and the blind see.

They’re based in Cambridge, and the crew down there have become good friends. On one occasion, a customer in London was having some pc problems and we were asked to help.

I can’t say who, but its one of the best hospitals in the world, and we were honoured to be asked for our assistance (and we fixed it !).


The main event was obviously the office move which 1 way or another occupied 2.5 years of my life.

Working with my team, our suppliers and Jo the project manager it remains the greatest technical achievement of my 25 year career.


And after its completed, out for pints and a curry, with Dan & Adam, and that infrastructure genius, Markus.


If I’ve got so many nice things to say about phonak, you might wonder why I’m leaving.

Its true. I’ve always been proud to work here and I sit on the train each morning proudly in my Sonova polo shirt.

I’ve frequently said, we don’t make cigarette’s or landmine’s, we make hearing instruments that genuinely make life better.

I’m leaving, because I want to do something different and try something new.

To everyone at Sonova, I want to say thank you for 4 amazing years.

Cuba 2.

Fidel Castro's hideout

We travelled to Sierra Maestra and overnighted in a chalet complex.

In the morning, we trekked to Castro’s hideout in the mountains (we drove up an enormous hill in 4×4’s to a car park).

From here it was about 2.5 hours walk. There were lots of huts where cooking and first aid were done. Our guide pointed out that they try to make it as authentic as possible, but the buildings rot every 15 years, so the ones were looking at are replicas.

We get to see Castro’s own accommodation (it was a simple shack with 2 rooms).

It had a kind of “trick” entrance to trap people (a bit like one of those ninja houses with trapdoors and stuff). In reality, I thought it was a bit silly.

If someone got into the compound would they really tip toe up the steps like some character from Scooby Doo, or more likely just fire an rpg or heavy machine gun into the building from 50 metres away !.

Castro’s 1 luxury, was a fridge (which was gas powered, as there was no electricity).

A streetside radio repair business

From here we travelled on to a place called Sanncti Spiritus (which to me seemed the wrong way around, but its their country, so what the hey).

I love to see innovation at work.

Transistor radios and the simple pleasure of listening to music, can’t be underestimated in Cuba.

For this reason, someone some had setup this “table & chair” business on the pavement.

I wish I could have hung around and found out what kind of person it was.

The English bridge

As we continued wandering around the town with the back-to-front name, we came upon this.

The oldest bridge in Cuba, which spans the Yayabo river.

Not widely known, but as well as the Spaniards, the British (referred to locally as the English) colonised Cuba for about 6 months.

It was during this time that they built this rather iconic bridge.

Che Vavara's resting place

After 90 mins of baking heat and cheese sandwiches I never wished to see again, were back on our coach headed for Santa Clara.

It’s famous as the turning point of the war, when Che Gavara attacked an armoured train with a bull dozer and captured all the soldiers and weapons there in.

Realising re-enforcements weren’t coming, it was just a few hours, before Batista and all his crony’s were hopping onto planes with suitcases filled with US Dollars (well, that’s what local propaganda will tell you).

Che Gavara was originally from Argentina and a Dr by profession. He was given honorary Cuban nationality and after the war helped “rebuild the economy”.

Later he travelled around helping out with other revolutions all over South America. It was here, that he was captured, and later executed on the orders of the CIA (highly probably, but again, propaganda).

His remains were found some years later and returned to Cuba where they now reside in his museum and mausoleum.

Freedom fighter or international trouble-causer. Whichever you think, he cut a romantic dash, and the museum has many fascinating artefacts inside (which sadly you aren’t allowed to photograph).

On top of the building is a giant statue of him, which really seems to capture his courageous/devil may care persona. He was revered by most of the Cubans that I met.

Train memorial

Staying in Santa Clara, we visit a museum dedicated to the Battle of Santa Clara.

Its made up of the armoured trains, originally captured during the battle.

Each of 5 carriages has pictures and artefacts, retelling the story.

They even had the original bulldozer used to derail the train.

Cuban Five

Posters like this are common all over Cuba. Usually positioned in front of key tourist sights, the idea is that you photograph them unwittingly and when you show them to your friends, they spread the word.

What I can make of it, the 2 sides to the story are…

Cuban: Terrorists based in Florida bombed hotels in Havana, in order to hurt the Cuban economy and later bombed a plane with the Cuban fencing team on-board.

Castro’s WASP network of operatives were activated and sent to find the people responsible (it being reasoned they would have more success than white FBI agents, who it’s said they were working with).

Once the terrorists had been captured, the FBI “turned coat” and arrested their “allies” as spies and they received lengthy prison sentences (3 remain in prison today).

American: There were enemy spies operating in our country working against American interest. When we caught them, they went to gaol.

It’s controversial (just try googling it) but it won’t go away, and the Cubans still argue passionately for the return of their countrymen.

Sugar loaf mountains of Vinales

Two nights in Vinales.

Not much I can say about this, except it was lovely countryside, and some amazing “sugar loaf” mountains.

We had a morning tour, with a guide with a very strong American accent, who kept insisting on telling jokes.

We only seemed to wonder through fields and stuff, and didn’t get into the mountains I could see high up all around me. Overall, a bit disappointing.

In the evening we had run low on local currency, so had dinner in the “expensive” hotel restaurant (which we realised was a 3rd of the price of the Paladare !).

Valle de Vinales caves

In the morning, we went for a boat ride through some caves.

Our captain used a laser pointer to highlight naturally occurring rocks, that looked like elephants and stuff like that. I found the overall rock formation far more interesting.

Saw a sign for cheese sandwiches. 1.2 cuks. I had been paying between 4 and 6. More rip.

Cayo levisa island

Next day, we drove to the coast, then got a boat out to the island of Cayo Levisa.

A cliché I know, but this really was a tropical paradise.

We were still low on local currency, so we couldn’t pay for canoeing or anything.

Since the trip had been so long and arduous, I simply got on a sun lounger in the shade and slept for about 4 ours. I was well overdue a rest.

Back home on the ferry, and a 2nd night in Venales. Next Stop Havana.

The rooftop Garden of our Casa in Havana

We arrive back in Havana. We’d decided to stay 2 extra days after the trip to relax and chose a Casa, owned by a local Dr, which he shared with his wife and his housekeeper.

The accommodation was simple, but more than adequate. We were actually living in a normal Cuban house. Returning home from an evening out, I was initially a bit nervous, but needn’t have been.

These people have nothing, but are mostly happy and perfectly law abiding.

It featured a rooftop garden, and both evenings we had an hour up there to unwind.

Tank outside the revolution museum

On a previous visit, the museum of the revolution had been closed, so we were delighted to head back there and find it open.

Its based in a building, that was previously Batista’s palace and outside a piece of mobile artillery (which many people mistakenly called a tank) is located.

A sign next to it states that it was Fidel Castro who personally fired on (and hit) an American warship from this vehicle during the Bay of Pigs.

How true that is, I dont know.

Torture equipment in revolution museum

Inside they had offensive murals to American presidents, models of Che Gavara and a whole host of pictures and memorabilia from the war.

One awful thing, was the display above.

Used by Batista’s forces during interrogation, the “scissor” thing on the left were pliers and used on the private parts of those being interviewed.

The delightful thing on the right, a device for removing finger nails.


Hotel Seville from Our man in Havan

Most people associate Sloppy Joe’s bar with the Alec Guinness film Our Man in Havana.

A bit touristy for my liking. Lesser known, and a far more relaxing and desirable location is the bar in the Seville hotel.

A lovely venue with some fine music.

The outside bar in the middle of this picture, is the one (albeit re-decorated a few times since) featured in the film.

The iconic Bacardi building

We carry on exploring around. From our hotel, we’d seen the Bacardi building.

A rare view inside the Bacardi building

What I didn’t realise, walking past it, on our way back from the Museum of the Revolution, is that you could go inside.

No, not an organised tour, the security guard, flagged you down and said he’d let you in for 2 cooks.

Above is a photo of the foyer.

View of Havana from the Bacardi building

He allowed us to go up in the lift on our own.

The building inside was literally crumbling, but from the top, I got this spectacular shot of the rooftops of Havana.

Hotel Nacional from the Malecon

A place my friend Dan had talked about many times, was the famous hotel Nacional (Dan had stayed there, previously).

Built in 1930 by the Mafia, it hosted a Mafia summit in 1946 which was dramatised in the Godfather Part II.

Relaxing in the shade at Hotel Nacional

The hotel foyer was spectacular.

We wandered through and found a spot in the garden, where we relaxed in the shade.

Mohito and Crystal. And since its lunchtime, 2 cheese sandwiches. The nicest thing I ate on the whole trip.

The whole place is fab, and filled with the splendour of a bygone era. The only thing that was tacky, was a sort of museum of people who’d stayed there.

It was just sections of the wall with pictures of people (and not particularly taken in the hotel ether, so hardly authentic).

But there was something far more fascinating to see. Just like the Bacardi building, not featured in any guidebook.

Tunnels under the hotel from the Missile crisis

During the Cuban Missile Crisis. Tunnels were dug underneath the garden in anticipation of an invasion.

We were able to wander around in them.

It was pretty cool.

Tuk tuk or potatoe cart

Its time to head back.

The heat of the afternoon and several Cristal’s have made me tired.

We travel home in a potatoes taxi, sometimes called a tuk tuk, which it technically is not.

I like this shot, as it shows a cyclo, a potato taxi and a Chinese coach. All the types of transport we’d used on a trip (well, with the exception of the KLM plane, that flew us in).

The potato taxi uses recycled vegetable oil as fuel. Reminded me of a documentary I’d watched on the coach.

It talked about 1991 when Cuba was in financial crisis. The Russians weren’t trading oil for sugar, and the country had to think of something quick (which they did).

The converted the cars to run on diesel. Promoted cyclo’s and bicycle’s. Created the potato taxi’s and most fascinating, ran power stations, by burning sugar.

The American woman in the documentary said it was a superb case study for peak oil. One day supplies will be limited not matter how much money you have, and the Cuban solution is one we should all pay attention too.

Leaving drinks at Ambos Mundos

On our Final afternoon/evening we decided to visit Ambos Mundas.

Most people know about it, as its the place where Earnest Hemingway lived for 7 years (they even have his room available on show for tourists).

We weren’t that bothered, having previously visit a bar “where Hemingway used to hang out” and finding it to be awful.

Instead we headed for the rooftop bar, and just relaxed.

An amazing trip overall, and an absolute roller coaster. I think I saw and experienced practically everything you can cram into a 2 week trip. I was exhausted, and it would be another week at home in the UK before I’d fully recovered.

But that’s adventure. If you want to lie in bed, holiday in Ibiza, and don’t get in anyone else’s way.

Cuba 1.

Me in Havana

After I completed the bluelist in 2009, I got bored, so ended up writing a 2nd bluelist.

The recession bit hard on a lot of people. Although I continued to travel, I mainly did shorter trips and nearer to home, like the former Yugoslavia and places in Europe I hadn’t been.

After last years financial successes from the office move, I decided it was time to get back to a long hall tour.

Cuba was on the 2nd bluelist, and as Nikki hadn’t been there either, it seemed the ideal destination.

Cuba is sometimes described as “The US through a broken mirror”. In this picture, I’m standing on front of the capital building in Havana, which is a replica of the one in Washington, only 30m taller, and covered in scaffolding.

Planning is essential on any trip (just get there and go where the mood takes you, is for students with 6 months off, or retiree’s with plenty of money). I used DK Eyewitness guide as usual, but an informative book called Slow Train to Guantanamo (which has nothing to do with Guantanamo bay and the war on terror).

Map of our journey across Cuba

I’d spoken to many people who’d visited Cuba (it seemed much more popular than I’d expected). I was a bit suprised, as most them werent what I’d call adventure travellers.

Then I realised why. Most of them had been there on an all inclusive beach holiday.

My intention was to tour the island and see the real Cuba. Explore run a tour, that visits the entire place over 15 days.

We booked private accommodation in Havana for 2 additional days so we could relax before coming home.

A run down building in Havana

As most people know, there was a revolution in Cuba in the late 50’s. As a result, the US wanted nothing to do with a communist country (a feeling they still have today) and implemented an embargo.

As a result, although Cuba is a poor socialist country, even if they had something the world wanted and plenty of cash, they’d still struggle to get hold of the type of routine stuff that would allow things like this building to be repaired.

That said, all over the country, improvement work was being done, albeit slowly.

The kind of food we got to eat for 17 days

One thing about Cuba that has to be mentioned is the food. Its awful.

Although they grow chilli’s and stuff like that, they dont seem to use it, so the food is mundane to say the least.

After a few days, a bowl of porridge from our staff canteen at home would have, in comparison, tasted like the hottest curry I’d ever eaten 🙂

You generally get chicken or pork grilled, some rice and some black beans, and that’s it.

Because food is hard to come by in Cuba, local proprietors are obsessed with the quantity of the food. They don’t seem to get the idea, sometimes a smaller amount of higher quality would be just what the customer wants.

For days when we were on the road there were cheese and ham sandwiches. All of it ludicrously overpriced, but more about that later.

The Havana Club, Rum museum

We arrive in Havana the night before the start of the tour. After checking in to our hotel, we have a wander around and get a couple of drinks.

In the morning, it’s breakfast and then the tour brief. It still amazes me, that weeks after receiving the trip confirmation and documentation, this event always takes ages.

People start asking if they can pay the tip kitty in £ sterling. Others have to go back to their rooms to get travel insurance documents. More than half the people on the trip did this, and the other half, having done the right thing themselves, had to sit through this inconvenience.

Anyway, we had a tour around the town in baking heat, then popped into Havana Club Rum museum.

In the old days, I would have put up about 25 photo’s for each individual place that we visited in Cuba (so 25 photo’s just for Havana). On this occasion, I’ve tried to capture the entire trip in 44 photo’s over 2 blog posts.

Revolution square

After the walking tour of the old town, we jump on our coach (a superb Chinese manufactured thing that was comfortable, air conditioned and had a dvd player so we could watch documentaries during long journeys).

Revolution Plaza is massive (this is a view across it). Our guide started talking about Fidel (strange I thought, when I talk about the prime minister of the UK, I dont refer to him as “David”). Also, I noticed that his name was pronounced as Feedell.

Although many in the west see Castro as a tin pot dictator, and a bit of a joke, in Cuba he is very highly regarded. This square can hold over 1 million people. On one occasion, Castro got up to address them. He got a bit carried away, and kept on speaking (I know how that feels).

In his case, he carried on speaking, for 7 hours, and the audience largely remained where they were and applauded.

With his face covering the entire interior ministry on the left, is  a picture of Che Gavara. On the right, a picture of Camilo Cienfuegos, slightly lesser known, but Castro’s right hand man during the revolution. At that distance, I couldn’t help thinking he looked like the Ayatollah Homeni.

A "zoo" with domestic pigeons

Next day, we head out towards the Bay of Pigs.

We had a toilet stop and some coffee at something described as a Zoo. It’s no match for Chester Zoo, here in this cage are domestic pigeons !.

A while later, we stop off and some of us go swimming (and the smart ones, remain in the bar).

Anti aircraft gun

There wasn’t actually a bay as such to visit, most of the battle took place in a forest.

We visited a small museum at Giron (the Cubans dont call it the Bay of Pigs).

There were lots of weapons and stuff (once the battle was over, the Cubans were able to liberate a great deal of modern weaponry, otherwise denied to them.

They also captured hundreds of prisoners, who they later traded for 50m worth of medical supplies.

Around the bay of pigs museum

They also had lots of stuff about the people who’d died and the corruption of “The Yankee’s”.

I dont normally shy away from contentious issues, but with something like this, the most reliable source I know is the BBC, so read this, if you want to find out what happened, without the whole “blood on the hands of the Americans” type thing.

One of the nicer hotels that we stayed in

Accommodation throughout the trip was varied.

Sometimes we stayed in beautiful places like this in Santa Domingo when we trekked to Castro’s hideout in the mountains (but for the first 2 hours after we arrived, there was no hot water for a shower).

Our hotel in Camaguey, like a prison

Our accommodation in Camaguey, looked (and felt) like a prison, but at least had air conditioning.

Awful soviet hotel we visited for lunc

We didn’t stay here, but visited it on a motorway stop.

A communist era hotel. Garish design and decoration, pool filled with plankton and the entire place smelled of urine.

During the communist era, every 2 years, families got to stay in a hotel like this and have the novelty of being waited on for food and drinks. It also had a tennis court.

The only minor thing, was it wasn’t actually near anything. The nearest beach was 100 miles away, and no countryside or mountains nearby. It was just a Brutalist style hotel in the middle of nowhere.

Old Chevvy's to take us to dinner

One of the things I really wanted to see, was American cars.

Its said that the mechanics in Cuba are some of the best in the world. The reason:

Well, for a long time, the newest car they had was a 1956 Chevvi. Today, it isn’t just the embargo for spare parts that causes a problem. The spare parts for these cars haven’t been made in over 50 years. The Cubans are adept at making there own spares with simple tools.

Our first evening in Trinidad , we had dinner in a Poladare (I’ll explain later) part of the evening, was that the proprietor would send a fleet of old American cars to pick us up.

Today, most of them have been converted to Mitsubishi diesel engines, but the driving experience in one of these, harks back to the golden age of motoring.


State run shop

The following day, we have a walking tour of Trinidad. We saw many interesting things including the Casa de Alderman Ortiz, a fascinating contemporary art gallery. I also learned 2 things about Cuba that had previously puzzled me.

1. There are no indigenous Cubans. They died out, when Cuba was first colonised. Cuba’s culture is a mixture of European and African, which melds rather well, and explain the strong musical influences within the country.

2. Just about every place in Cuba, apart from Havana is named after a city in another country (Trinidad, Santiago and they even had Australia).

We get the chance to visit a government shop. Its a controlled economy, and as you can see, supplies and variety are limited.

One advantage, is that everyone in the country gets a ration book, and gets free rice and basic supplies.

Younger people are embracing the free market, but they worry about older people getting left behind.

Two initiatives that the government have “enabled” are Cassa particular and Paladar’s.

A Cassa allows a Cuban to let out a room or rooms in there home and charge rent.

A Paladar allows a Cuban to serve food in a room in their home.

The idea is to provide variety and quality for tourist from owner managed businesses, while generating badly needed currency for the country.

The reality is, our tour guides frequently took us to paladar’s, where we found later the prices had been significantly inflated (we never saw a menu). Turns out, government hotels don’t give kickbacks to tour guides, and paladar’s do.

At points in the trip, it became ridiculous, when on an all day drive, we drove an hour out of our way for over priced cheese sandwiches (they were more expensive than the same sandwiches at the Hotel Nacional !)

By the end of the trip, we were a bit sick of it (the rip off I mean, not the sandwiches). The daft thing is, the actual people on the street, shop keepers and bar staff of Cuba were very laid back and with the odd exception not predatory at all.


Trinidad - music in the evening


In the evening, live entertainment, in the open air.

Music is a common part of Cuban life and featured frequently during the trip.

On a lot of occasions, it was 3 blokes playing for loose change when you were eating your dinner.

On this occasion, we went to a massive open air music and dance festival, with lots of innovative tunes and experimental styles.

A few people asked where the Buena Vista social club which featured in the film was (actually, this happened in Havana anyway !). The reality, Jazz music isn’t normally played in bands. Its perfectly possible that a cornet player will play with 4 different bands and just get together to Jam.

A few places advertised themselves as the Buena Vista social club, but we were told they were tourist traps and too avoid them.


The old Russian truck

In the morning we wake in our beautiful chalets in splendidly kept grounds and tuck into our horrible breakfast.

Shortly afterwards, our carriage awaits.

Its an old Russian truck, which is used to transport people to Topes de Collantes, the largest national park in Cuba.

There are 4 must do walks in “Topes”. We would do all of them, and spend 2 nights in the jungle. Some people carried a bit more stuff than they needed which left little room in the back for comfort.

That said, racing through the mountains in the truck, with the wind blowing in my hair was one of the highlights of the trip.

In the jungle

 We leave the truck, and set off trekking (the truck took our bags to our overnight accommodation). The heat was unbearable, but it was great to be back in the jungle again.

Some of the other people on the trip, seemed to be struggling with their fitness. I had to explain several times, as a seasoned walker, that there isn’t any rush, and were supposed to be enjoying it.

We see various farms along with way and places where coffee is grown wild. We arrive at our accommodation (and obviously, I have a can of Cristal, far superior to Bucanero, which tastes like paint !).

It’s basically, a veranda with tables. We have lunch here, and then realise that once we’ve had our evening meal later, well have to move the tables and sleep on the floor. But that’s for later.

We head off on another walk, to a small lake, where those without common sense can go for a swim. There is a waterfall a short walk away (Salto del Caurni), but I’m lost in the moment.

Sat in the shade in the jungle, I find a spot away from everyone and do the sit spot thing I’ve been taught on bushcraft tracking courses. I’m in a contemplative mood.

A snake we found on the trail

We wander back to the camp. Its an hour before dinner so I sit by the river with a can (and subsequent cans) of Cristal lager.

Food is the usual mediocre nonsense, but good company, humorous and informed conversation and more Cristal (and mohito’s seemingly for everyone else) make up for it.

Time for bed, and we have mats to sleep on (the kind, people of my age used to do PE on). I’m a bit miffed that a French group have arrived and nabbed all the optional tents, which seems a bit selfish.

I remember the farmers wife in the French Alps some years ago, who showed us such kindness for absolutely no personal gain. Does the “tent takeover” really matter after all.

Well maybe… Insects bite the hell out of me through the night despite practically bathing in jungle formula deet and I get no sleep.

A pretty bobbins night overall, but this is adventure, there’s no time for mincing around complaining about things on the periphery.

And so we head off, on 3rd of our walks. On the way, is this amazing scene. I beheaded snake. It still seemed to be moving. There was some debate about whether it was death throes, or actually something the snake had eaten inside.

Like most sensible “proper” travellers I seek out adventure, prefer low key and don’t boast of my adventures.

But just for once, how many people who holiday in Ibitha have trekked and slept out in the jungle, and seen something like this.

Improvised bridge

In the morning, its get ready and have breakfast (Why god why ?. Even the coffee is awful, and they export this crap all over the world, so that others can suffer along with them).

We do a different trek this time including crossing a river on this Bridge. Brunnel would have been envious. We trek to the Batata cave and see its underground river.

On the left of the picture is Carol, from New Zealand, a fab girl, and in the middle, Sam, who harks from my home town of Manchester, and a fan of City like my brother David and friend Frank.

On the right is a Church of England priest called Jane. I don’t go in for religion much, but although opinionated, she had 5 degrees and there was no doubt of her informed travel knowledge. Two couples on the trip from Australia. Don’t need to say any-more, if you’ve spent any time on this site you know I love Australia and Australians.

At this point, I should point something out. I could put loads of stuff up here about local plant life, the route we walked and things like that. The truth is, you can find that out, anywhere on the internet these days (or just ring Explore).

This is, the adventures of an ordinary person. I’m writing about the sort of experiences an ordinary person would have on this trip, which I think is quite unique.

We arrive around lunchtime, where we’ll be staying for dinner/overnight. A working farm which subsidises it’s income by offering veranda/camping accommodating.

Our bags are waiting for us, and just like last night, there’s a shower. We get our usual glass of complimentary orange juice on arrival, which is refreshing in the baking heat.

I’m delighted to find that there are tents available. Nikki decides to do the afternoon walk. Exhausted from the heat, I get some rest in our tent, which I’ve furnished with 2 mattresses I had to carry down a big hill in baking heat.

In the evening there’s more bland food, but if I mash chicken, black-beans and rice together its halfway as tasty as a wet shredded version of the Guardian.

I sleep much better that night and in the morning, the truck takes us back to our air conditioned coach.

Cycle taxi's

Quite a long drive (with cheese sandwiches) and we arrive at our destination for the evening Camaguey.

I want to write loads of things about Camaguey about it being unique and exciting, but the truth is, after seeing 3 other “colonial towns” this was just the same.

We were invited on a cyclo tour (Cuba has some innovative forms of transport since 1991, but more about that later). The cyclist looked delighted when Nikki walked over, but when I joined her, he visibly groaned.

Still, if you take money to do a job, you should do it as well as you can, that’s what I always say.

One other thing, was the guy in the photo above. Everywhere we went people seemed to have Union Jack T shirts of one kind of another.

We had dinner later at a buffet restaurant, which was really good.

In the morning, we woke in our prison (sorry, hotel) and wandered around a government shop to buy water. I couldn’t believe it, when they checked our bags.

Did they think there was ANYTHING in that shop I couldn’t afford or would want to steal !.

Were back in the coach, and on the road towards Santiago de Cuba.

Moncada Barracks

On the outskirts, we visit Monkada Baracks.

Its now a school, but on the 26th of July 1953, it was attacked by Castro and some students.

The attack failed. A few of the attackers were killed in action. Those that remained, either went off for trail, or were killed in cold blood, had guns placed in their hands and were described as dead enemy combatants.

Its this kind of tyranny, which led to eventual revolution. Castro, got 13 years in prison (which like Hitler he used to study and formulate his plan). He was released 2 years later.

The walls are said to be scarred with bullet holes from the attack. Yet in 1960 Castro personally drove a bulldozer which destroyed the outer walls.

In 1978 he ordered the wall rebuilt to house a school and museum and interestingly, they now have bullet holes.

Colon cemetary

We also visited the national cemetery, Cementerio Santa Ifigenia

It has the graves of many revolutionary fighters (quite a few of them, killed in “interventions” in Africa).

They also had 2 members of the Buena Vista social club (fantastic musicians, but not sure how they’re hero’s.

Finally the grave of the Bacardi family (this was confusing, they were disliked by the people before the revolution, got the hell out when it started and funded the training of soldiers for the Bay of Pigs).

There is a 3 person ceremony every half hour, to commemorate the brave fallen with an eternal flame. Reminded me of something similar I’d seen in Russia.

Santiago de Cuba square

We arrive in Santiago de Cuba.

It’s probably not the hottest place I’ve ever been, but mother of god it felt like it.

We had a few drinks in a rooftop hotel overlooking the square. You probably can’t see, but the building on the top left of the picture is a bank. It had a sign with the time and temperature on it.

Humid heat had been a problem for me throughout the trip, but the sign showed a temperature of 43 degree’s centigrade (for those that didn’t pay attention in science, that’s a bit less than half the boiling point of water, and as a man from Manchester, it was unbearable.

We stayed out of town, and after a debaucle with the tour guides trying to con/press-gang us into visiting “their” Paladare, we made our own way into town for the evening.

We found a really nice rooftop place that evening and had dinner there. The food and service were very good, but I loved the value added.

The Chicken Nikki ordered was “delayed” due to a problem with the stove. As we looked over into the street, a moped appeared, with a plate and cover being carried by the pillion passenger. Suddenly, there was no problem and the Chicken was served 🙂

It’s well known that in some countries, bootleg films are the main staple of entertainment. Our waiter was completely charming, but after the first couple of conversations, I couldn’t help feeling he’d learned English from Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

With heavy facial emphasis (he obviously thinks this is how we chat in the UK) – “LISTEN TO ME VERY CAREFULLY ! – Would you like fish or chicken ?” and “YOU’VE GOT AN IMPORTANT DECISION TO MAKE ! – would you like sugar with your coffee or without ?”.

That’s why I travel, when else would you get to experience something like this.

Santiago music and dancing

We wandered over (and even went over on the 2nd night as well) to the much talked about Casa de la Trova.

For all the hype, the music was original, and delivered with genuine charisma.

There was a balcony outside where you could get some fresh air, but inside the mood was electric.

Some hired dancers performed but loads of other people got up too.

I’ve often said, I don’t like football, but I love being in a pub when an important match is on. I don’t care who’s playing or the score, but I can feel the atmosphere and energy in the room and this was much the same.

San Pedro castle

On our free day, we got a taxi to Castillo del Morro. This place was amazing.

I could have taken 100 photographs and not captures it.

Anyway, it took 2 full hours to explore and when the guidebook says worth seeing, I think its a must see.

Back in one piece

Me in an old American car in Cuba

I’m home from Cuba.

I had an absolutely fantastic time (I’m going to write more about it soon, I’m just trying to get organised at the moment).

Overall, a fantastic trip, and a country I’d definitely recommend.

Oh, and other good news. Franchesca (sociopath hr woman from last entry) is staying. Fab.

Adventure calls and farewell to Franchesca.


Well, the last time I went on a long hall “big” trip was in 2009 to Capetown. At the time, I wondered if it would be the last one I’d ever do !.

I’m about the leave with with my trusty rucksack and collection of proven travel gear.

By the time you reading this, I’ll be on the train to Manchester airport, heading for 17 amazing days in Cuba.

One other thing. A really cool woman at work called Franchesca (who I’ve nicknamed sociopath, for her superb focus while working) may have left by the time I return to work.

If your reading this Frank, its been fab working with you.

The search for adventure continues…


Pint in the Patten arms and current affairs

Missed my train last night. Sat in the Patten arms waiting for the next one (apparently John Prescott used to be the chef here).

I settled down for a pint and then realised I didn’t have a book with me.

I had a look at the TV and started following the current affairs program that was on.

The following are 4 things I saw, and some of my thoughts on them.


Police cameras.

On the face of it, a good idea.

Just for fun, try videoing a copper on your phone and watch what happens.


Problem debt.

Some balloon on the tv was banging on about parents getting into debt. Because of this, they were unable to buy their children all the things enjoyed by their piers.

This could lead to bullying. His solution: Write off their debt, so the family can return to normal.

My thoughts:

1. They borrowed the money, they should pay it back. That they have children is something they should have considered before borrowing it (I know I would have).

2. How about teaching children real value’s, and not buying them every fashionable thing, that every other kid at school has.

3. Find the bully’s and punish them severely. The idea of buying a bully’s victim a Playstation 4 so the bully will leave them alone is ludicrous. Appeasement never works.


Women in the army.

 A load of stuff about whether women should be allowed to take part in front line combat.

Women in the British army already have roles on the front line, but the debate was about whether they should be allowed to take part in things like infantry combat.

If my life was in danger and I couldn’t protect myself, I would be perfectly happy to arm Lyndsay, Sue or Debra with the proper training. Modern fighting isn’t about hand to hand with knives, its usually automatic weapons, grenades and rocket launchers.

Israel did some research a few years ago. What they found, was whilst perfectly capable as fighters, females caused problems on the battle field due to gender dynamics.

A group of men, would focus on a mission. If another man got injured, they would deal with it professionally. If a woman in the team got injured, the emotions and feelings caused an entirely different response.

Let me say right away, that I have never fought in a war, but with the facts in front of me, it seems like same sex platoons is the solution.



The whole Boko Haram thing, whilst tragic, is a million miles away from the real issue.

In Morocco a few years ago, I ended up being conned into a rug shop and the ensuing presentation (which to be fare, was very well delivered).

It was explained that many Muslim girls in villages, do not have an education. That making rugs and the patterns on them, is their only form of expression.

Literally millions of girls live in villages like this, are denied an education and have daily life filled with misery and a lack of hope.

But let’s focus on 200 missing girls.

Farcically, the “advisor’s” were sending are probably members of the SAS.

Satellite technology and paid informers will allow them to be found quickly.

Once this happens its an armed gang of hooligans against the worlds most elite regiment.

It will make Call of Duty on recruit setting seem hard (or for non COD players, think hunting diary cows with a sniper rifle and scope !).

But when it’s all over and the girls are back at school learning chemistry, what of all the other girls in Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan …

AS, 2x camping & Tom

My adventure list whiteboard outside my bathroom

On the horizon. 4 years at Phonak, Birthday, Cuba.

April normally marks the start of the UK adventure season for me.

Its the time to go through my post AS check-list and maintain/replace all of my outdoor gear.

I normally travel overseas before March and after September, as its the cheapest time to fly (unusually this year, I’m spending 17 days in Cuba). In between then, I get into the great British outdoors as often as I can.

As you can probably guess, I have it all written up in my yearly mind map (I’m at year 12 now, I have each one in a binder on my desk at home).

I also have it written up on a whiteboard on my upstairs landing. The bathroom is normally the first room I see each morning after I get out of bed, and its always exciting to see the list on the white board.

Diagram of Snowdon showing the Rhy Du path and the Snowdon Ranger

The first weekend adventure I’m going to write about, is an accent of Snowdon.

I’ve done it several times, from Llanberis and the Miners track, but I was determined to try something new.

The walking group itinerary had a gap in it, so instead of going on my own, I put it on as an activity for the group.

From the opposite side of Llanberis, there is a walk called Ryd Dhu. Another walk (The Snowdon Ranger) starts about 1.5 miles away.

Its possible therefore, to walk up one, come back down the other and then walk to your original starting point, making it a circular walk (which are far more popular with car drivers).

Putting a tent up at the Cwellyn Arms Campsite

I never miss a chance to turn a day outdoors into a weekend outdoors.

The walks we normally do on a Sunday, usually take about 40 mins to drive to. In this case it would be an hour and 40, so we decided to go over the day before and try out some camping equipment in advance of Easter the following weekend.

We found a pub in the area with a camp site (which on closer inspection was actually a mile away from the pub).

No matter, the camp-site was superb. They had grates for fires, and no cars were allowed on the grass, which made ideal for pitching. Behind me you can see a board-walk platform.

They have free trolleys, so you can transport your gear to your pitch.

I got Nikki set up on a camp chair with a glass of wine, and set to work with the tent. I decided not to use my ultra light (and coffin sized) tent and instead used a 3 person tent I bought from Blacks in Keswick some years ago.

We were keen to try out some new equipment, so we inflated the double air bed and laid everything out in the tent ready. We had far more gear than we needed, but that was the idea. See what works, see what’s useless and then we’d know what to take for next time.


The excellent Cwellyn Arms pub.

With everything set up, we wandered over to the pub, for some drinks and dinner (as you can see from this picture, the weather was overcast, but at least it wasn’t raining).

The Cwellyn Arms is relatively small, considering its the only pub in the area, and everyone in their rooms, bunkhouse and massive campsite all congregate there.

They make up for this, with their superb organisation. We hung around the busy bar, enjoyed some nice drinks, and then were shown to our table at 7pm.

Steak Pie for me, Chicken for Nikki. Delicious.

After this, a few more drinks, then off to bed.

Fog and mist on Snowdon.

In the morning we wake up early (well hard not to when camping, although the other campers were well behaved, and the site wasn’t noisy at all).

Get cleaned up in the spotless shower block, and then wander back to the Cwellyn Arms for breakfast. It being a day on the hill, its a full English for me.

Walks with the CDWG are graded using a 3 star system. This was a 3 star walk, and considered hard. I wasn’t surprised, when we only had a small group (Trig, Astrid and a guy called Ray from the Wirral (not to be confused with weedy Ray from Wrexham) and obviously the lovely Nikki and myself.

I was happy, as I knew the people there would get to the top without much trouble (although not so sure about myself !).

We meet up in the car park at the foot of Ryd Du and head off. Along the way, we got briefly lost, but soon found the track again.

It was hard going. There wasn’t any rain, but you can see from this picture, there wasn’t much of a view as we were walking up.

We get to the top, and there’s this view down the Snowdon Ranger path from the Snowdon Railway platform.

View from the railway platform on Snowdon.

The summer season had begun in Snowdon, so obviously the sherpa buses run far more regularly, and the train to the top starts running again.

Well kind of. If the weathers bad, the train doesn’t run. If the train doesn’t run, they don’t open the visitor centre on the top.

After 2 plus hours walking up hill in the cold thinking of a warm cup of coffee, we find the doors locked and literaly hundreds of walkers, cowering behind rocks and walls eating their sandwiches and crisps.

Worse, the lights were on inside the visitor centre/cafe and people were moving around in there.


Good news is, its cold. We don’t hang around, get something to eat and then head down the hill.


The Snowdon Ranger path.

Halfway down the Snowdon Ranger path, it occurs to me, that the ultra organised people at the Cwellyn Arms had left a recommended walk sheet on the table, which I’d picked up.

It showed a variation to our route. Instead of walking back down to the road, then walking along a road for a mile and a half to the cars, we could cut across a quarry.

It would save time and make for a more interesting walk.

Trig standing in a quarry.

We wander along through the quarry on the way back (I always find quarry’s exciting, they remind me of early Dr Who episodes).

Trig (pictured) and Ray (non weedy) were talking about football. Ray explained that it was probably the most important game for Liverpool in 25 years.

He’d really wanted to watch it, but didn’t want to miss the chance to do Snowdon. I had to salute that level of dedication.

Back to the cars, and we head home. Another amazing weekend. I organised it, and I was the walk leader, but couldn’t have done it, and it wouldn’t have been half as much fun without Trig, Astrid and Ray and obviously, the lovely Nikki.


Corks out's famous Tom on the train to Chester.

Get home, put the hot water on, 2 pints in the Mill, then bath and bed.

Following day at work as usual, but on the train, on the way home something incredible happens.

There, on the train just across from me, is the famous Tom from Corks Out.

He looked deep in thought, so I discreetly took this shot so as not to disturb him.

Funniest thing, is the girl sat across from him, who obviously thinks I’m trying to photograph her.

Your reasonably pretty love, but Tom is a legend here at so get over yourself.

My 2 Easter Eggs on the dinning table.

Well, its the run up to Easter weekend and I got 2 really nice eggs (and you can see that the Kenwood and the Smiths CD’s are still around).

The walking group have a regular camping trip to Llangollen each year. This would be my 3rd year, and I absolutely love it. Great walks in the daytime, beers and good food in the evening with good company.

Last year we couldn’t camp, as the whole area was covered in Snow. In recent times, I’ve become involved in organising it (I still offer advise to other campers, like putting the @rse of the tent into the wind…)

The new tent put up at Wern Isaf campsite.

Nikki had enjoyed camping the previous week, but felt a larger tent would be more comfortable and since we’d be “car camping” why not.

I’ve always been a small tent kind of guy. I dont need a lounge I reason, as I usually find a pub for sitting around and stuff. If I’m in my tent, I’m usually sleeping, or cooking in the covered porch if the weather is bad.

However, I’d seen the tent at go outdoors in Warrington, and I was really impressed with the quality of the material and stitching, and I could see it would be nice to have a table and stuff in a porch, and a separate sleeping area.

My main concern was time. Was this thing going to take 2 hrs to put up. If it was, it was a no go for me.

I was delighted when the advertisement said it could be put up in 20 minutes (it went up solidly in 20 minutes, and next time I think I can do it in 10 !).

We were joined by Astrid, Alex (who cycled with all his gear from Chester), Sue and Aled.

The walking group at Fouzi's Italian Cafe bar in Llangollen.

Once the tent was up, we spent the rest of Friday day, wandering around the town, catching up with friends, trying out different pubs and outdoor shops and wandering along the bank of the Canal.

In the evening we met up and had dinner. I had reservations (and I mean literally) from my experiences the previous year.

We’d gone for dinner at an otherwise reputable place, waited 2 hrs to be served, food was cold, taken a way to be re-heated, then they couldn’t tell who’s food was who’s and it had bite marks in it. I was scarred.

Shouldn’t have been. Sue recommended Fouzi’s. They did really good food and wine at very reasonable prices, fitted us all on the same table, and we had a fantastic time.

The Worried Men playing at the Sun Inn in Llangollen.

We leave the restaurant and have a couple of drinks around the town.

With the beer flowing, we arrive at the Sun, where they have a band playing.

£3 on the door, puts me off, and I turn to leave. The landlady joins us outside the pub and greets us enthusiastically.

“You dont understand” she says. “These are the Worried Men. There really good and have travelled all the way from Bath to be here”.

The ale I’d drunk, and the good mood I was in, are the only explanation can think for me paying the money and entering.

I’d never heard of them, but as it was, they were pretty good. Just like usual with the Sun you walk in and there’s a couple of people there. Within 40 minutes its standing room only.

Travelling to Carrog on the Llangollen railway.

Next day, up for shower and breakfast at the Canal-side cafe (unusually disappointing scrambled eggs, but tea was nice).

I was leading a steam train walk. We’d done something similar the year before, this year we went right to the end of the line at Carrog.

We didn’t have a steam train, or the traditional carriages like last year (despite them being promised on the website).

Instead, we got to enjoy the memory of a 70’s diesel train, which was a lot more fun than it sounded.

A couple who joined us actually lived in Llangollen (more about that later).

On the right of the picture is Astrid. A good friend of myself and Nikki and a keen collector of outdoor gear.

I think Astrid is fab, although I’m still convinced she’s working undercover for Mossad, and only pretending to be French (perhaps I’ve played COD: Black Ops too often).

Carrog bridge.

We arrive at Carrog bridge.

I’m the walk leader, but there are plenty of people with more experience than me, and our Chair, Graham takes the lead.

Its a long way, so we stick to country roads, to break the back of the journey (we’ve arranged to meet Sue and Aled who are cycling at the Sun pub at Rhewl for at 1:30pm so co-ordination is needed.

A break stop for elevens's.

Along the way, we stop for elevenses.

Usual walking stuff. The conversation varies from “is there enough discipline in schools” to “how can my laptop run faster and everything in between. Tragically, a fortnight later, the first topic gains new relevance.

Time is ticking by and were going to miss our meet up with S&A. Best foot forward.

The Sun Inn, Rhewl

We make it to the pub, and Sue and Aled are waiting for us (the pub was packed, and I forgot to take a photo, so this is one from last year).

After this, we head  back to Llangollen. As it turns out, a couple on the walk, live in Llangollen, and invite us back to their house for coffee.

Enjoying coffee and Jaffa cakes overlooking the canal, we a superb end to an excellent day.

The Gallery Restaurant, Llangollen.

Back to the camp-site, we get cleaned up, and decide what to do for the evening.

We decided to spend some time on our own and visit the Gallery. Steakhouse and Italian all under 1 roof. Brilliant atmosphere and food.

We finish the evening with a few drinks on the way home at the Cornmill.


The top of Dina's Bran in Llangollen.

Next morning, its just toast and tea this time (I make mistakes sometimes, but I try not to make them twice).

Today Sue is leading a walk and its one I’ve done before. A fantastic walk, but hard going. I’m back on the way to getting fit, so quietly optimistic.

First off, an ascent of Dina’s Bran.

Crossing Ruabon mountain.

We continue along across hill and dale with a great deal of the route across mount Ruabon.

Quite steep here, I struggled a bit.

Tea shop near Ruabon mountain.

But no problem, as refreshments are on the way.

A little tea shop we love visiting. I have hot chocolate (again, I didn’t take a picture at the time, so this is one I took on a sunny day previously).

Hot chocolate for me. Gaynor says ooh in typical Gaynor fashion, and Astrid and I compare first aid kits and emergency blankets.

Finish the walk and head for home. Dinner overlooking the River Dee at the Red House.

Man doing DIY (it isn't actually me).

I had set aside some time on Monday (UK bank holiday) for DIY, but didn’t do any, and just just relaxed in the house.

Another adventure weekend complete. Life doesn’t get any better than this.

* The guy doing DIY in the picture above, isn’t actually me.