A classic picture of the Sydney opera house from the ferry.During the opera house tour, I saw the famous staircase that leads nowhere. I was struck by the innovative nature of Australians.The opera house was paid for by a lottery fund, and not taxes, so nobody paid towards it that didn’t want to. |
A view of the amazing botanical garden from the steps of the opera house.I liked the way the skyscrapers in the background contrasted against the plants and trees. |
There are signs around the botanical garden, saying please walk on the grass.The point is that they wanted people to actively visit and enjoy the park.It was amazing to be there at lunchtime and see people taking time out from work to have a picnic. |
The opera house from the Harbour Bridge.Circular bay has the opera house, the rocks, the botanical garden and several nice shops and bars.Its one of the most vibrant places I have ever been. |
On a trip to the blue mountains, we visited a campsite where Kangaroos run free. |
I caught the ferry to Manly island.It was named that, as the first explorers saw some local abo tribesmen, and described them as very “Manly”.I loved it here. |
There was a six mile walk along the shore in manly, and as I am not much of a beach person I walked the whole length of it.There was a fantastic view. |
Frank outside the opera house.Although I am comfortable travelling on my own, it was great when he arrived.There are pictures of Frank all over this web site, he is my closest friend, we have travelled all over the world together and I would trust him with my life (I actually have done several times !). |
Back home in the UK, we have a cookery program called Saturday kitchen.They feature an Australian Chef called Bill Granger who runs an internationally respected restaurant called “Bill’s”.I decided to actually go there whilst in Sydney.I was blown away to be actually sat in a building which I had seen on TV from the other side of the world. |
Although its hard to qualify, the scrambled eggs at bills are said to be the best in the world.Scrambled are my favourite eggs, and I couldn’t miss the opportunity. It is made using cream, and tasted delicious.The T shirt I am wearing, is one of 6 I bought in Australia, as they were so inexpensive, it was easier to buy new clothes, than wash dirty ones. |
In the blue mountains.The rock formations were stunning to look at.Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t very good on that day, and I ended up buying a coat to keep warm. |
An Emu in the blue mountain zoo.An international symbol of Australia.Of all the places I have ever visited, Australia was the most beautiful.I will definitely return there !. |