
I turned my ankle, walking in the woods.

First of all, apologies, if you’ve been trying to call or text me. Both my phones have gone south, and I wont have received the call/text.

Until I get things sorted out, probably best to email me.

I was supposed to go out jogging this morning, but since I turned my ankle in the woods yesterday, I can hardly walk (apart from losing the use of my tongue, that’s one of the worst things that can happen !).

Ive just booked Capetown. If everything goes to plan, then I will be standing on Table mountain, and have completed the blue list, 7 weeks from now.

The last 18 months, have been pretty up and down for me, but in balance, the last 6 years, overall,  have been pretty fantastic.

I can’t help thinking though, that when I embarked on the bluelist and all the adventures that came with it, that it was like constructing a “matchstick” replica of the Eiffel tower on the dining room coffee table.

Non euphemistically, I had a very happy and secure home life to start with (the coffee table if you will) , and the adventures (the matchstick “Eifel tower”) were an enhancement.

The whole point in the beginning, was to seek at adventure, while keeping the balance of a normal life. That’s the reason its  called the adventures of an ordinary person.

We all know people who can sell houses, take a years sabatical etc and see the world, what I wanted to show was that it could be done, whilst buying a house, getting married, building a career etc.

Ive felt lately, as though the “Eiffel” part of my life, has received so much attention, that the coffee table underneath has been neglected to the point that its a bit wobbly.

Once Ive been to Capetown and completed the bluelist, I’m going to stop updating  johnsunter.com (it will act as a timeless record of 6 years of adventure).

I’m then going to concentrate the next 6 months, sorting a few things out (im still a bit overweight, there are loads of good friends I haven’t kept in touch with, that type of thing). There are also loads of cool things in the UK that I want to do, and Ive neglected my love of hill walking.

Ill probably draw up a 2nd bluelist, who knows !.

Well, near and far, have a great time, and remember the quote by Helen Keller, ” Life is either a daring adventure or nothing !”.


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