Goldie Plays at my local

The legendary Goldie, playing at my local pub, the Frog and Nightingale.

Ive often mentioned to friends, how surreal it is to have famous musicians and DJ’s playing at my local pub (The Frog and Nightingale in Chester).

As Ive often commented, its a bit like Bono, playing at the Lion and Lamb in Widness, or some such !.

In recent times, the Frog has established itself as a significant music venue, and has had several household name acts playing there (well, they are household names if you 19 or under !) so the novelty is starting to wear of, and Im not usualy suprised when a new headliner is announced.

I couldn’t believe it the other week, when the internationally famous Goldie was announced (Ive got to admit, that Im not that into music, I found out about Goldie, after he betrayed his boss In James Bond !).

Well there he was, what an evening.

My mate Dave, being photographed with Goldie

Not just that, but he was a really nice guy as well.

My friend Dave asked to have a photo taken with him, and he was really helpful and polite (n0t at all what you’d expect while reading about him in the media).

Now, if we can just get the Smiths to re-form and play their opening night at the Frog, the future should be pretty fantastic.

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